Toby Flenderson

Toby Is Not Teal. But His Love For Costa Rica Is. After surviving a zip line accident while living in Costa Rica, Toby Flenderson returned to his job at the Scranton branch of Dunder Mifflin/Sabre only to be fired in the series finale.


After breaking his neck in a zip line accident in Costa Rica, in season 5, Tobias “Toby” Wyatt Flenderson, returned to his job as Human Resources Representative at the Scranton branch of Dunder Mifflin/Sabre.

Toby Flenderson (played by Paul Lieberstein)

Toby’s love for Costa Rica was revealed in season 4 of The Office, the season where Toby ‘outs’ Pam and Jim’s relationship. Maybe it has something to do with Toby’s crush on Pam, as learned the previous season. In’The Convention”, Toby attempted to ask Pam out but was unsuccessful. He got nervous and retreats by pretending to forget what he had planned to say.

In the ‘Night Out’ episode, Toby reveals that he will move to Costa Rica. In that same episode, Jim, Pam, and Toby start laughing, Toby puts his hand on Pam’s knee. Jim sees this, and Toby announces “I’m moving to Costa Rica. I’ve thought it over… so yeah.” Then he runs out the door and hops the fence.

Pam and Jim

Of course, Toby is not real. But his love for Costa Rica is.

Watch the video here.

Toby is a fictional character in The Office played by Paul Lieberstein. He is generally soft-spoken and mild-mannered, is divorced (Toby’s ex-wife remarried and is now named Cathy Becker) and has a daughter (Sasha Flenderson). Toby possesses a masters degree in social work from Temple University as seen in Counseling. The frame is crooked in the shot. In Season 4, Episode 2, a diploma is visible in Toby’s cubicle that reads “California Coastal College \n B.S. in Psychology \n Toby Flenderson”, as well as a bumper sticker from Penn State University.

Toby’s parents divorced when he was a child. Both of them wanted custody, and both asked him to testify against the other in court. He was unsure what to do because he loved both his parents and didn’t want them to get divorced in the first place.

Source: Fandom