Sunday 16 June 2024

Luis Amador for president in 2026?

Former minister of the MOPT requested membership to the PUSC political party for a possible return to Costa Rica to run in thr 2026 presidential elections

Paying the bills


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Paying the bills


QCOSTARICA — two months after starting his self-exile in Canada, the former MOPT minister, Luis Amador, has asked to join the Partido Unidad Social Cristiana (PUSC) party, for a possible run at the 2026 presidential elections.

After departing Costa Rica amid allegations of misconduct, Amador, a prominent figure in Rodrigo Chaves’ government, expressed his desire to run for president of Costa Rica and stated that he would seek to join a political party.
Luis Amador, former minister of the MOPT

On leaving Costa Rica following accusations of misconduct as minister of public works and transportation, Amador, a prominent figure in Rodrigo Chaves’ government, expressed publicly his interest in being president of Costa Rica and and stated that he would seek to join a political party.

“We confirm that last Friday afternoon, via email, a membership request was received from Mr. Luis Amador Jiménez, which indicated that he would send the respective form through a person he trusted. As soon as said form is formally received, according to what was said in that message, the corresponding administrative procedure will be given, as is done with all requests from people who want to join our party,” said Juan Carlos Hidalgo, president of the PUSC.

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Amador left Costa Rica on March 15, headed for Montreal, Canada, to resume his work as a university professor, a post he left to return to Costa Rica to join the inner cabinet of Rodrigo Chaves.

In an interview with La República, Amador stated that before running for president, he would seek to clear his name.

Amador is being investigated by the prosecutor’s office and the Organismo de Investigación Judicial (OIJ) for an alleged case of corruption, but he did not have any precautionary measures against him, so he was able to leave Costa Rica. However, police agents did confiscate his computer and cellular phone, among other items, on his leaving the country.

Read more: Luis Amador flees, President Chaves and others investigated over Guanacaste airport contract

Amador was formally fired by Rodrigo Chaves for allegedly allowing a contract awarded to the MECO company, whose owner is under investigation for corruption in an unrelated case, to maintain the runway at the Guanacaste Airport (LIR).

President Chaves claims that the contract would have cost the Costa Rican taxpayer US$2 million more in relation to two other offers.

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Chaves mentioned possible signs of corruption in the case but did not directly accuse the former minister of being corrupt.


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Paying the bills
"Rico" is the crazy mind behind the Q media websites, a series of online magazines where everything is Q! In these times of new normal, stay at home. Stay safe. Stay healthy.

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