What Surprised You After Moving to Costa Rica – Residents Respond

In this video, long time residents of Costa Rica share what surprised them the most when they moved to Costa Rica.


When you do officially move to Costa Rica you are in for some surprises. Many of the people that were interviewed were surprised at how many locals speak English, as well as the abounding beauty.

Others were shocked that some ex-pats work hard to re-create what they were trying to escape from. Others were pleasantly surprised to find the same brands of clothing, food, vehicles etc.

There is a diverse landscape with varied ecosystems in Costa Rica. Costa Rica is more than just beaches, and most of Costa Rica is in the mountains. It was surprising to others that there weren’t as many bugs, and snakes are rare to be seen.


We asked residents with ranging backgrounds What things surprised them after relocation to Costa Rica. We hope their answers will help better prepare you for a move to Costa Rica.