Wednesday 1 May 2024

Covid-19 Costa Rica

Sneezing protocol and proper hand washing are crucial to prevent contagion. Remember that prevention is key.

Costa Rica: three years since the first case of Covid-19

QCOSTARICA - On Monday, March 6, like any other Monday, but three years ago, news broke that would mark, in a way never seen...

Covid symptoms have changed: now there is persistent cough and shortness of breath

QCOSTARICA - When the covid-19 pandemic began, among the most relevant symptoms was the loss of smell and taste, however, this has changed and...

Covid-19 patients saturate Calderón Guardia hospital

QCOSTARICA - The saturation of the emergency service of the Calderón Guardia Hospital due to the increase in covid-19 patients forced the Caja Costarricense...

Compulsory vaccination against Covid-19 is maintained for public and private employees

QCOSTARICA - Mandatory vaccination against Covid-19 in public and private sector employees will continue to be mandatory. The Comisión Nacional de Vacunación y Epidemiología (CNVE)...

Hospitalizations for covid-19 increased in the last week

QCOSTARICA - Covid-19 is still with us despite the relaxation of the sanitary measures such as no longer is the wearing the mask being...

Covid-19 contagion rate increases to 1.43%; daily cases grew by 62.33% in one week

QCOSTARICA - The effects of the fifth wave caused by the Covid-19 virus are already being felt in Costa Rica and with that, an...

Minister of Health asks “to responsibly exercise the right to use a mask”

QCOSTARICA - After three days of silence about the decree that eliminates the mandatory use of the mask, the Ministry of Health forwarded the...

Mandatory vaccination against covid-19 stands while Commision studies new information

QCOSTARICA - Unanimously, the members of the Comisión Nacional de Vacunación y Epidemiología (CNVE)  - National Vaccination and Epidemiology Commission - ratified the mandatory...

Starting today, Wednesday, use of mask is optional

QCOSTARICA - Shortly after midnight, Casa Presidencial reported that, prior to publishing the decrees to eliminate the compulsory use of the mask and vaccination...

The beginning of a new wave of covid-cases in Costa Rica?

QCOSTARICA - The Ministry of Health reported in the 24 hours between Monday and Tuesday, a total of 1032 new cases of COVID-19. In the...

More than 85% have already received at least one dose against Covid-19

QCOSTARICA - More than 85% in Costa Rica, aged five and older, have already received at least one dose against Covid-19, according to the...

Telephone line for monitoring patients with Covid-19 taken offline

RICO's COVID DIGEST - This Friday, the 2519-3001 emergency telephone lines to monitor patients diagnosed with Covid-19, went out of service The monitoring of patients...
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